
Christopher Michael: Radio Passion for 45 Years

Christopher Michael talks about why he created a pseudonym (for his real name Gil Peters); his long career in radio, which started in Kankakee and continued at WCLR, WKQX, WYEN, WZBN-WKZN, WMAQ, and WGN; what it was like to work with radio legend Paul Harvey; why he loves radio; how he dealt with numerous firings; advice he has for aspiring broadcasters; how he created his company, Sound Targeting, and his method for getting clients; what he thinks of the radio biz; the weird people and experiences he's had in radio, and more.

We also talk about the breaking news story that we both worked on (which earned us first place for Best Spot News in the 2010 Illinois Associated Press Broadcasters Association Journalism Excellence contest, and first place for Best Live Coverage of an Event in the 2010 Illinois Broadcasters Association Silver Dome Awards).

Click the link below to play, or download it by right-clicking (on a PC) or holding down the CTRL key and clicking on it (for Mac).
