
Ken Smith: Al Roker Jr and more

Ken Smith was known as "Al Roker Jr." on the Mancow show, and now does sports updates on Jonathan Brandmeier's show and has his own show on The Game Chicago. He talks about how he got his nickname; why he got gastric bypass surgery; the south side and living near President Barack Obama; working at V103/WVAZ-FM with Richard Steele, John Davis, George Willborn, John Monds, and Bonnie DeShong; meeting Ray Charles and James Brown; working at white and black radio stations; being a Rush and Duran Duran fan; how he got on the Mancow show; being the only black person around white people; working for Mancow’s show at Q101 and Rock 103.5; naked adventures; the Howard Stern/Mancow rivalry; his podcast, and more.

Click the link below to play, or download it by right-clicking (on a PC) or holding down the CTRL key and clicking on it (for Mac).



Bernie Eagan: lifelong radio fun

Bernie Eagan is on the air afternoons/evenings at B105.7/WYXB in Indianapolis, and has spent his entire career in Indiana. He's amazingly been with Emmis Communications for over 30 years. He talks about his start in radio when he was 14; working in Hartford City, at WERK in Muncie, and at WENS; what it's like to be blind; how people have responded to him and helped him; braille; how he successfully studied in school; Eric Garnes and Paul Mendenhall; how radio has changed; getting fired; famous people he's met; his DJ business; why he loves radio; advice, perseverance, and more. I got to know him when he contacted me after he listened to the Greg Brown interview I did.

Click the link below to play, or download it by right-clicking (on a PC) or holding down the CTRL key and clicking on it (for Mac).
